Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kenya is a great nation that was formed after many native freedom fighters were killed by the British colonizers and their home guards. There was no Kenya name before the arrival of the people from Europe as communities lived separately from each other but traded along each other. The formation of British Kenya brought with it the Mau Mau struggle for freedom as the locals were marginalized c/o cruel rule. Mau Mau (God Bless them) were probably the last group of real patriots who gave their live for Kenya.

Independence brought with it a new regime that most of the freedom fighters felt that it might not have been worth all that struggle. Selfish educated leaders took over new Kenya and helped kick starting a young nation on the wrong foot. Most of the 60's and early 90's politics was full of big man syndrome and pull them down syndrome as Kenyatta and Oginga involved themselves in destructive politics known to build no nation. . When all this happened it is Kenya and Kenyans that lost most but the few in power gained. By the end of President Jommo Kenyatta era, Kenya had already managed to set a record when it comes to bad politics that would become the basis of modern tribalism that might jeopardize development in this modern times.

The era of President Daniel Arap Moi ( forgive me for the few names) was just another era of fuata nyayo ( following Kenyattas footsteps). By mid 1980's Kenya population was already growing fast while the job market almost remained the same hence the genesis of the biggest employer in Kenya the joblessness. Moi era saw experienced the 1st coup detat, It is also during this period that Kenya became a multiparty state after some blood shed and maiming. People who fought for multiparty would be the second group of unselfish Kenyans since independence. It is this same group that brings a lot of doubts as most of them in power now have chosen to master the politics that are known to bring no development. Again only few individuals and the technically connected gained at this period while Kenya and Kenyans lost it.

Kibaki presidency brought a new day. Kibaki presidency is actually the fruits fruit of Saba saba days even though at that time Kibaki himself was not in the mapinduzi camp. The WANANCHI who suffered most were expecting a new Kenya when they saw most of Mapinduzi veterans in parliament but lost hopes as they became just like the other politicians that deserve no vote. Again it is the poor Kenya and Kenyans who have lost it during this period.

Kenya will be going to the general election in March 4th 2013, this will be the 5th democratic general election since December 1992.  Most children born in 1992 are now job seekers employed by the unforgiving  joblessness sector. Kenya now has a new constitution and all every Kenya hope for is that a new Kenya will be born in March 2013 but it can never be that easy. A close look at the current politics shows a lot of elements that have always been the basis of bad leadership since independence. 2013 elections presidential hopeful have done a "great" job in dividing Kenyans even further. Prime minister Raila Odinga and his Deputy Uhuru Kenyatta are the main contestants in this race as per the opinion polls. The only bad thing is that who ever win in 2013 will not represent a Kenya/Kenyan win but a personal plus buddy win. Irrespective of who ever among the two primers wins Kenyans will continue being treated like the shenzi type by the ruling elites. The question that Every Kenyan should ask themselves is when will Kenya and Kenyans win the election? I hold no qualification to answer that question but i can tell everyone across Kenya when Kenyans/Kenya will win. The answer is very simple , Kenyans/Kenya will win when they become one, united for a major cause development across Kenya.

2013 will be a another great loss to Kenya as they crown tribal chiefs as President. Odinga or Uhuru presidency will just be a continuation of the bad leadership in Kenya and the expansion of the greatest employment sector the Jobless. 

Disclaimer: Jamuhuri believes in leadership that can foster development across Kenya, i dream of leadership that the Mau Mau would approve, A country worth the death of Kimathi and a country Tom Mboya, GG Kariuki and Ouko would be proud of  not forgetting leaders that Pio Gama Pinto wouldn't be ashamed of.

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